It’s hard to process the cruelty of the internet, especially social media. It seems almost fake—a kind of open dark web nightmare with a thousand faces. That’s why I never really tried too hard to connect with others on it. Life is already tough, so facing faceless bullies that can spread hate like a virus is something that scares me. Posting one wrong thing can be a nail. So, my use of social media is one of sharing (the occasional comment) and following creators that I like. I found it a treat to read an actual post by the likes of those whom I admire. However, others decide to use it to kill you. That’s what happened today to a brother, a son, a friend, an artist, a cartoonist, a talent but most of all a human being—Ed Piskor.

Today, April 1st, Ed Piskor took his own life because They  killed him.

I discovered Ed Piskor through Cartoonist Kayfabe last year. It’s the most essential comic book/cartoon podcast/YouTube channel out there. It’s where I went to learn about comics, to laugh, to get away from the everyday garbage of the world. Through the laughter and passion of Ed, I found his work. I was hooked and inspired to keep creating (for me, writing) and grinding. Mr. Piskor is a power source for creative motivation in real-time.They  took that away.

 They  posted baseless statements against him for something that was alleged. They  killed him from behind a keyboard, They  killed him without asking, without cause, without heart, without humanity, with full scorn, with full purpose, with blind fingers pointing, from the shadows, from the deepest ink-well They  could find, vicious animals that erased, scratched, and destroyed a brother, a son, a friend, an artist, a cartoonist, a human being— They  killed Ed Piskor.

Why is it so hard to be kind? Why is it so hard to be fair? Why is it so hard to be honest? Why is it so hard to not hurt others? Why is it hard not to forgive? I believe this is because the internet allows for zero accountability once words are typed, stories are shared, comments are had etc. People vomit out garbage and never face the consequences. 

It’s those who are targeted that reap the horrors of the bullying. And those on that end are never viewed as human. They’re just some sort of avatar floating around cyberspace. That is the great downfall of this disgusting social media world we have created, nurtured, and watched grow into the poison that it is. It’s all just a damn game to Them, They  who killed Ed Piskor.

It doesn’t stop or end with the passing of Mr. Piskor. It’s just another brick in the wall. It’s just another name to them. So, who is going to be held responsible? When will the bullying end? When will They  be held accountable?

Now, it’s not to say when news happens we should do nothing about it. But when did the average user become a tabloid junkie? I don’t care to know that answer—I just want it to be exposed, addressed, revealed so that we can see They  who killed Ed Piskor.

This did not need to happen.

They  killed Ed Piskor.

If you are not They  , do not hold this in your heart; instead, rise up, use your voice to end the bullying.

Save a life so that They  do not kill Ed Piskor again.


Note: Though I never met Mr. Piskor  I will pray for The Piskor family and friends because it is my duty as a Christian, and as a fan of his.

Resources for Suicide:

Photo credit – PCP

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